Windows are an integral part of our homes. We cannot imagine a home without windows. Such a home will be dark, suffocated, and will require huge amounts of energy to function properly. Windows provide us means to look outside into nature, enjoy the rain while staying dry, keep our homes well-ventilated, and bring in natural light.

Now many people want to install them on their own. Most of them face issues and losses because they are attempting the installation after watching a couple of videos on YouTube. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the most common window installation mistakes and most importantly how you can avoid them. We will discuss them one by one along with the precautions that you should take. Let’s start with the first one.

Insufficient planning

    It’s just a window, we don’t need long planning to get it installed. This mindset can cause you a loss and even injuries. While window installation is not rocket science, at the same time it’s not as easy as it seems. You have to plan everything; otherwise, you can end up being confused or installing the windows incorrectly. To avoid such a situation you should have a detailed plan with you. This plan should include all the windows in your home that you are going to install, the proper equipment, the free time that you have, and more. Also, make sure that the area near the installation is clear and has no clutter lying around. It will ease the installation process and will be very helpful. 

    Ordering the wrong-sized windows

      This is a mistake that is usually a result of laziness and improper measurements. Every day, window suppliers receive a lot of requests for replacements as these have been ordered in the wrong size. This mistake can easily be avoided with careful measurement and a little bit of attention. First of all, forget about getting estimated measurements. Your measurements should be exact to the millimeters. Don’t worry, you might not be able to accurately measure it to the millimeters but trying to do so will result in precise measurement. If you give this measurement to the person from whom you are going to buy the windows, they will be able to recognize the right size. Also, make sure that you know how to properly use the measurement tool you are using. 

      Ignoring the instructions

        We know it all, we don’t need that piece of paper with “manual” written on it. If you have that attitude towards a DIY window installation then you are up for trouble. Even if you have installed windows on your own in the past, it does not mean that you can ignore the instructions for the new window (unless it’s the same model). Every window is different and every manufacturer has their own manual. If you ignore the given instructions, then you can end up incorrectly installing the window. There will be gaps in between the window or the whole window could be loosely fitted to the frame. This can drastically decrease the energy efficiency of your windows. Cool air will leak through these gaps which will cause your inside temperature to rise. This puts an extra burden on your cooling systems which will eventually result in higher energy consumption. 

        We highly recommend reading the manual thoroughly as it will inform you of any unique installation requirements for that particular window. 

        Ordering low-quality windows

          We all are guilty of buying cheaper products and hoping that these will last as long as the expensive ones. We all know that it’s not true and that good quality products, while expensive, are worth the price and last longer. The same is true for Windows. If you choose lower-quality windows then you will save your money in the short run, but you will end up spending more in the long run. 

          First of all, low-quality windows aren’t as reliable as the expensive ones. The frames are often made up of low-quality polymers or very light wood. These wooden and plastic frames will not be able to withstand the daily wear and tear for a long time. You will soon find cracks, dents, and rot in them. Once damaged, you will have to spend your money again to get a repair service or get a new one. All this will cost you more than buying a quality window in the first place. 

          The glass quality will also be very bad. Some windows will give you a blurry view and others will soon fade away. 

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